Futurama is an animated TV series created by Matt Groening based on the life and adventures of Phillip J. Fry, a 20-something NYC pizza delivery boy from the 20th century who is inadvertently cryogenically frozen and re-woken 1000 years later to an uncrecognisable world, finding employment at Planet Express, a interplanet delivery company.
Phillip J. Fry – ISFP
He doesn’t seem like a particularly strong representation of any personality type to me – I thought ISFP seemed the best fit – he’s definitely an adaptive type.
Turanga Leila – INTJ
She has the whole strong, independent woman that ‘takes no prisoners’ attitude going on – INTJ or INFJ seem to fit best IMO.
Amy Wong – ESFP
Cute, ditzy, rebellious against her parents, lives in the moment and fun loving – definitely comes off as an Extroverted Perceiver – ESFP seems to fit best.
Bender Bending RodrÃguez – ESTP
Care-free, spontaneous, attention seeking and highly skilled kleptomaniac, very adaptive/versatile – ESTP is probably the best fit.
Dr. John A. Zoidberg – ISFP
Gut read –apart from seeming adaptive (P) he doesn’t seem to portray a particular personality type strongly enough.
Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth – INTJ
Creative, mastermind scientist and inventor that’s very detached from the world (inferior Se) – I don’t get why people type him as ENTP? They are typically very buoyant and enthusiastic people.
Zapp Brannigan – ENFJ
Basically, Futurama’s Captain Kirk, who is also an ENFJ character.
Kif Kroker - INFP
Poignant, timid and shy – Fi-dom seems very likely.
Hermes Conrad - ISTJ
Stereotypical rigid beaurocrat – can he be any other type?
Monday, November 1, 2010
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Kif Kroker is more of an INFJ. INFPs wouldn't tolerate Zapp Branigan's stupid commands for that long; they'd zap out and leave after a while.
ReplyDeleteTuranga Leela is more of ENFJ. She's not logical or scheming enough to be INTJ. She's motivated by her feelings and need to have a purpose (often whimsical).